Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dear Dream,

Listen to the ocean rumble beneath your precious feet. Act as if it is okay, sure, but sooner or later you are either going get splashed in the face or have the ground from underneath you precious feet crumble. Don't lose hope, your close enough to the shore. Keep Running. Moments like this are what make you grateful for every past, present and future experience, scent, taste, sight you witness too. You are just a pixel on the puzzle piece. You have one life to live, pursue it fully! So many people waste their lives on things they will look back and frown upon. Push through, don't lose hope. You're almost there.

One year, two months and fifteen days I hope I will look back upon this and remember how much it meant to me and smile once I reached my dream. I may crack, trip, tumble, and fall, but I will get their...unless? Unless it was never meant to occur, then I will gain insight into the new door that will be opened and revealed to me.

Pursue you're life. You only have one to live.

This is my mission, to love, to learn, and to pursue everything I do with truth, honesty, and boldness! Acting, here I come!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Are you Free?
In my life, I do not know when my last breath will be drawn, I do not know the next turn I will be making. But, til the day I die I hold onto the thought that I will be set free from all my inequities. Tomorrow holds an adventure of its own, even if it is still the same thing Monday - Friday, "It's a new dawn, it's a new day".

food for thought. yum.

Monday, January 18, 2010

on the contrary...

You are one in 6.7 billion. remember that you're special, just the way you are!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

pixie-dust hope.

He sits at his bedside, writing out his most complicated questions. He doesn't even understand the slightest what he is trying to say. Who is He? That is a question he asks more than once a day. He found hope when he was a little boy and hasn't lost hold of that ever since. It's tinkerbell's pixie-dust for him; his hope can make him fly. So, where is he flying to next? After diving deep into his soul, the dream of acting and being apart of the entertainment industry rang a glorious song written by only the heavenly. If it is not in his ultimate plan, then he will have to learn to accept it and rest on the hope that he hopes onto so tightly every single day. He will never be able to achieve this dream on his own, oh no, he will have to hold onto good friends and his eternal friend; Jesus. This is just the beginning and he finally found the plan that he was searching for. well, he didn't find it, it was simply revealed to him in perfect timing; true bliss. He will work hard for one year to prepare for the big step; moving to a new land and attending VADA. He knows this is what he wants to do. This is what he dreams of, always has on his mind. Much like his pixie-dust hope, if he doesn't allow it to breathe and make him fly, he will never achieve his goals. He is growing up and cannot have such a tight grip on everything. Some things will never make sense and he needs to understand that. But, in the end his destiny is figured out and he needs to rest on the fact that he is loved eternally and that he can do anything and everything with the Lord by his side.

Friday, January 8, 2010

don't play mind games, face the facts.

these things i know:
-do what you love
-don't do it for yourself
-live vicariously through truth, hope and love.
-if it fails, don't give up, simply take a step back and analyze. if something is meant to happen, it will.

these things i know.