Thursday, December 10, 2009

i really cant stay still.

i will forever be intertwined with my past.
it will always be there.
i can change. not on my own. i need to surrender.
i cannot accept a life full of blank pages.
this is my one life. live each day as if its your last? maybe live each day in faith that you will be carried through til the next.

i want to sing
i want to model
i want to paint
i want to explore the planet
i want to write #1 songs
i want to write a book
i want to be a photographer

maybe, because these are all things i want i wont receive it? must i surrender them?

tomorrow is a new day. i make mistakes every single day(so do you) and i pray that i can wake up with the love that Jesus has placed in my heart.



Anonymous said...

Daniel, what it means to follow Jesus is to surrender EVERYTHING. All your hopes and dreams, your desires, everything. If you don't, then what can God do? If you don't let Him change you, don't let Him mold you, your hopes, dreams, desires, then, where's the point of being a follower if you don't let Him have control?

I have a friend who has so many wants and every time he follows God, he achieves those wants, but every time he lets those things get in the way of his relationship with God, it seems as if everything goes wrong, like they are being taken away from him.

I am praying for you. And you are so right, we make mistakes every day but that just goes to show how much we need God and His love, grace and mercy in our lives. We are broken people, longing to be whole but looking for earthly things/pleasures/people to mend us, to fill in that empty place that only God can fill.

May God grant you so many blessings and may you let Him lead you where to go in your life. Trust in Him, have faith dear brother.