Saturday, March 14, 2009

ladadada. dadada

i am failing at keeping up with this. sorry!

mmm, lately i have been surrounding myself with music. i have been noticing all of the different ways i can improve, all the ways i can move forward. i really feel as though Jesus wants me to do something with my music. i am so very excitied to see what he does with me.

as i have been listenning to tunes at any given moment lately, i am finding that by it, instead of tuning out of the world(which normally happens when you plug in your headphones) i am actually tuning into the world. hear me out. i am not falling into the worldiness, but i am tuning into all that surrounds me. i am normally very non-observant and i lack seeing things, physically and spiritually.

i know this is very choppy, but this is how i feel like writing today :)

i really want to update you on temptations and me...well, a little while ago i was about to let go of all my ambition to resist sin. i was going to endulge in something i would have beat myself up for for a very long time. as i was about to fall so hard, so fast, Jesus suddenly stopped me. he spoke some very beautiful words into my mind, "it is finished". AHH, since that moment, i have not even been tempted! i know eventually i will be tempted, but gosh! how amazing is our Lord and Saviour.

alright, so music and temptation and Jesus. you got all that, right? good, because im changing subjects again ;)

i have recently acquired a job a tim hortons. let me tell you, it stinks(literally). but, i have decided something for myself. instead of hating my job etc etc, i am challenging myself to find joy in things i wouldnt normally find joy in. good idea? i would like to think so, lovelies!

well, okay, i am not going to change topics again. nope, i am headin' out!
over and out.
10/4 lil' buddy!

many blessings you wonderful people whom read this!