Thursday, March 5, 2009

are you dead?

we can never have too much to say. coincidently, the words we so often speak of are clearly inane and of no great value. we speak of gossip, of hurt and pain, with intentions to cause nothing but evil in other peoples lives. this is all appropriatley suitable for our world, because all of this is what satan wants, but still Christians are caught saying these things.

there are some people at my school who are really lovely and are fun to be around. unfortunatley, they say they have God in there hearts all the time, but only show it on youth group night, which is on a friday. it just crushes me to see them yell at eachother and get caught up in pointless drama that is only going to tear them further away from the LORD instead of bring them closer to eachother and God. it is just so very odd, but then as i continue to witness this, i am realizing that infact most Christians act like this. they go around letting everyone know that they believe in Christ, but they do not act out there faith unless in a large congregation of believers. we are doing exactly what the bible says not to do. we are hiding our light under a bowl; a bowl stuffed full of the world.

this is just something that makes me want to scream because people are so apathetic towards this issue. they simply do not care whether they are like Christ or not, but they still consider themselves alive in the spirit. they are dead.

but hears the turn around. in the gospel, it speaks of how Christ in the physical raised a dead man back to life. he also healed a sick girl(who was infact on her death bed basically). and Christ is still alive and can do this! what i am saying is that the people in the gospels had faith--and they were raised back to life. Christ can do this for all of those people who are dead in the spirit. he can raise them back again. how though? if they are apathetic towards this idea, then why should God do anything? well, God cannot shove his love into them, so those who are alive need to PRAY. yay, the magic word--PRAYER!

okay, so, my challenge is for all those who are alive in the spirit, we need to pray for those who are dead!

many blessings.