Friday, May 22, 2009

is their a "trick" or something in order to not sin?

i understand i was "created in Gods image", but i just can not understand why i still sin and fall short over and over again. its as if there is this layer of evil surrounding me. i know that God is right there, but i don't know how to break through?

and to top it off, i thought i was presentable to the human race, but i guess my misery is being used for someones pleasure. thanks.

i know that i have been given such amazing things, and i do not deserve what Christ has given me. UGHHH, but i want more and more and more. how can i ever be happy if all i want is more? its impossible.

this is me, having one crumb of a day. Jesus, its so much easier said than done, but here i am, feeling nearly like nothing, but what i have i will try to give to you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

hold me close, my father.

when im speaking, i cant hear you.

im looking for love when it is right in front of my face.

"i am healed and unashamed."

Monday, May 18, 2009

i dont know how to say this but,

I don't know who I am.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

"in his holy presence, i am healed and unashammed."

as i begin a new step in my journey, my past has risen multiple times. satan is trying so hard to pull me away. sometimes he gains foothold, but most times, Jesus wins. it is all a process of being shaped into who you are designed to be. i "fell" tonight, back into my past. but as soon as i caught a glimpse of this ugly site, i ran to Jesus. i am a LIT now and i need to give my everything to Christ. much like i trusted people in the challenge course workshop this past weekend, i need to trust in God, that if i fall back, he will lower me down into his comforting arms.

i am getting so much better at resisting temptation. but sometimes, it just catches me and tricks me into thinking i need it, and i fall.

Lord, i ask for your forgiveness. i have many of times before, but each time, i feel you more and more. You are alive.

thank you Jesus for your graciousness. i am such a delicate spec of dust in your mighty plan. at times, i feel shattered, but i am not because i have You, my master.

as i fight feeling anger towards myself, God is entering. PRAISE YOU LORD!

amen and goodnight.

-alive and loved in his arms.

wash the pain away

He is my saving grace.
i am forgiven.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lambrick Park Church Prayer Room- time slot: 11:00pm-12:00am

Mmm, Father, I am so blessed to be able to join together in community and pray. To Pray for this city, the broken hearts around the world. To pray for healing and your spirit to dwell within us. I dedicate tonight to you, a personal and devoted prayer time Father. I thank you for your graciousness, your forgiveness and compassion. You are so good to me Lord. I cannot comprehend the amount of love you have placed around and in us; your children. I cannot fathom what you did on the cross. I will never fully understand, but that mystery, that divine wonder is what places a sense of intangible, but sureness in my heart that You are real. Without this trust that all is useless. I need to place my everything in You. In the words of Fraser Campbell, “All our hallelujah’s to you…Nothing can separate us from the love of God.” Amen.

Broken I will run to You, rejoicing I will praise You. You are my God. All glory, all power, all praises be to You, my King.

May distractions be replaced with You my God. You are so good to me and I do not deserve anything even remotely close to you (though there is nothing anyway). May my entirety, my soul being and purpose be to bring you glory. Reach into my heart and make it new. “Open up my eyes to the things unseen. Show me how to love like you have loved me.” Amen.