Sunday, October 18, 2009

canker sores suck and so does vitamin d

to do with the title. i have one right on my lip, where it rubs on my tooth like crazy... OUCH!

but, to do with the other topic of the title, autumn is settling in nicely and i am loving it and despising it at the same time.

this is the season where scientifically our bodies experience a lack of vitamin D which can psychologically lead to depression. spiritually, this is the time of year where i usually end up wondering if i truly believe in God and if i am devoting my whole life to Him. because of this, Satan prowls and hunts for people like me. depression is a strong part of my past and i feel it creeping back towards me. please, keep me in your prayers as i keep you in mine.

i love you friends, i really do.


Jeanette said...

I can hardly agree more! I only got on the trail of this vitamin D thing last christmas (2010), and suddenly I'm faced with the fact that a chronic lack of it can be the reason I've got type 1 diabetes, had a hand amputated (benign tumor in the marrow of the left ulna that spread way too much), and the reason that every winter where I live I get severe insomnias (major cases of SAD). So? So I have tried big doses of vitamin D.
You might be able to prevent a lot of your winter blues and the viral infections with 2,000-3000 iu a day. It helps you to take in much more of the nutrients that you get through your food, and what can I say? It's changing things in my little realm here! I may just have to study biochemistry. o.<

Jeanette said...

Oh! Oh! The spiritual question! Yup, every time I get a winter insomnia, I start bawling at Jesus in my prayers! For me.. the youtube video 'study shows vitamin D can prevent and cure type 1 diabetes' was like being pinged majorly after years of prayer and bawling out for help.
God is good, that's far from the first prayer he's answered for me!
The story goes on, too :)