Friday, October 9, 2009

six pack, sleeping like a baby!

here is a praise, be encouraged, brothers and sisters, for prayer and hope is real:

for about two months i have had a stomach pain and i got blood work, U.A's and other tests. the doctors, three different ones, had no idea what it was. they thought maybe i was celiac, but im pretty sure im not. they thought i pulled my stomach muscles and i did, but they are basically healed (i can workout again!). also, i have been having super broken sleeps and i actually had a nightmare...of numbers and letters all around me...i studied for math right before bed...weird...haha, but anyways, all of this has been going on for two months, right?

well, i went to my family doctor yesterday and he looked over all my tests, which all cleared and looked normal. so, he was kind of confused. but the thing is, is that since about monday oct.5, i havent been having really any extreme stomach pains. my body is healing and resting and through prayer and hope that God will heal, i am being healed! this is such a phenomenon and i love it.

also, my sleeping, well i got these natural pills for insomnia and they are, no more no sleep. i sleep like a baby and its wonderful., its time to get back in shape. physically, spirtually, emotionally, and did i already say physically? why of course, but lets be reminded that i can now finally excersize! woop woop!

...clearly, this is not a normal blog, but i need to inform you, internet world.



meganmenzies said...

Yay! Daniel is healthy, this is very exciting news :)