Tuesday, January 6, 2009

as long as i have breath to breathe, i will sing your praise!

every breath i take was created and designed to be used for our Lord. every heart beat is a sign that my time is not up; God is not yet done with me. my life is not meant to be lived for me, myself, and i because i am in a great debt; infact, this debt consumes my life and yours. Jesus, The Son of God, died for OUR mistakes. we owe everything to Him, but most of us are to selfish to see past the point of me, myself, and i.

lastnight i felt deeply joyful, but also acutely in pain. i was joyful for everything that has been given to me eventhough i do not deserve any of it. as i further read into "Do Hard Things", i became slightly discouraged and as i earlier put it, in pain. i am discovering how much time i have wasted. i am sixteen, and have been so caught up in myself that i have been blocking out and ignoring all those moments where God tells me to go talk to that person, or go help that person. of course, my life expectancy leaves me with many years, but God can easily close my door, and stop my breathing.

a very classic song from qwanoes has been written with the solution to this troubling, and often untouched topic. the lyrics in the chorus speak, "i'll never let the rocks cry out, louder then the voice you've given me. As long as i have breath to breathe, i will sing your praise!" pay accurate attention to the last sentence. as long as we are given breath to breathe, we are called to sing the Lord our God's praise! unfortunatley, we often fail to do so. why? because this world, as i have mentioned many of times before, tells us to figure things out on our own, to try out and buy the latest thing, and that there is no higher power to help us. of course, all of those are complete lies, but they are the world's reality. as Christ-followers, we are called to be different. 1 Peter 2:9 puts it into great perspective.
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
did you catch that? we have been called out of darnkess! so, with every breath that i take, i must return to God. every heartbeat i receive must go directly back into what i have been called to do: love others.

so, i propose a challenge; does anyone want to start living like this aswell? of course, we must have our word coincide with our actions and our heart for it to actually be real, but our God is good and he gives us breath to breahte!