Sunday, January 4, 2009

to say it politely

i cant help but wonder if i am doing what i am supposed to do for my life. am i on the right path, or am i just lying to myself completely? of course, by this i am not referring to depressed thoughts, i am simply stating the point that i catch myself doing things that are not who or what i am about. as a believer, i understand how hard it is to face the world; the brokenness, pain, suffering, lack of anything colourful and good. i am continually surrounded by all of this evil, and i sometimes feel and ask myself if i am doing everything i need to do on this earth. or course, i can never-ever-ever-never-never-ever know if i do not bring it all to the Lord's feet.

the teenage life these days is sure messed up, to say it politely. do you remember making promisses with your friends in elementary school? you know, the promisses to not do drugs or to do 'dirty' things, or to graduate and become doctors/veternarians/firefighters/superstars. look at everyone now, being pushed to buy the latest iPhone, or to replace their entire wardrobe. we all buy into it from time to time, but as followers of Christ, how can we as teenagers seperate ourselves from the world. one simple answer, Christ. we must ask ourselves, what would Christ do? what does Christ command us to do? and lastly, how can i apply my life to Christs word? did you catch that, not applying Christs word to our lives, but applying our lives to Christs word. hellllooo! his word has been around for hmm, 2000 years, and we've been around for a whole maybe 20 or 30. this thought just makes me chuckle, but i dont blame anyone for thinking "how can i apply Christs word to me?" because since the day we were born(speaking of teenagers, young adults) we have been raised into a selfish world. i cannot help but challenge myself to think differently then the world. of course, it is way (way) easier said then done. but, as Christ says so simply, but so gloriously, "you can do all things through me."

i just wanted to challenge people (or maybe just myself) to well, challenge yourself this new year. we dont need to buy into the lies of this world when our hearts of filled with Christ.

:) thats just a thought i had today. Godbless!