Monday, January 5, 2009


today, i waited for a bus to go to my fathers. it was expected to just be a regular, average bus ride, but then this man, middle-aged, asain, and losing his hair. he wasnt 'balding' though, it looked more like a sickness. his skin was pale, and looked as though it was clammy. i could not help but feel the pain he held in his eyes. the ambitious part of me said to go talk to him; the shy side said to stay seated. i didnt know what to do, so i instantly prayed that God would give me a sign, and sure enough three men with alot of items filled the seats around us. i felt very discouraged, i knew i didnt normally feel convicted towards people i have seen for 0.22 seconds, so once again i prayed, and got a different response. the three men got off the bus, and so i thought 'perfect, here we go Jesus!' until the man got his cellphone out, and started using it. so i prayed again, and i asked God to simply make me know for sure what i was supposed to do, and that i would do whatever he said, because i trust Him. and then, i was about to talk to him when suddenly it was my stop to get off! i felt discouraged, until i realised i was putting a time limit on God. maybe today, God was simply introducing me to this man, so i can pray for him and ready my heart to be used. it struck me, our Lord is timeless; we may not be, but i have faith that God will use me when i need to be used. so, this was a very interesting experience, and i pray and hope that i will see that man again, and to just be a light of Christ; eventhough i may be scared to be a light, it is what i am called to do.

also, as all this was occuring, i was reading "Do Hard Things", and sure enough 1 Timothy 4:12 was typed into that book. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

GOD IS SO GOOD! and i am so very excited to see what is instore tomorrow(and still tonight!)